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  • Ifølge FN-konventionen om forebyggelse af og straf for folkedrab defineres folkedrab (på dansk bruger vi både begreberne folkemord og folkedrab) som de handlinger

    "... der begås i den hensigt helt eller delvis at ødelægge en national, etnologisk, racemæssig eller religiøs gruppe som sådan:
    a) at dræbe medlemmer af gruppen,
    b) at tilføje medlemmer af gruppen betydelig legemlig eller åndelig skade,
    c) med fortsæt at påføre gruppen levevilkår, beregnede på at bevirke gruppens fulstændige eller delvise fysiske ødelæggelse,
    d) at gennemføre forholdsregler, der tildigter at hindre fødsler indenfor gruppen,
    e) med magt at overføre en gruppes børn til en anden gruppe."

    Kilde: Art. II, Bekendtgørelse af 26. maj 1952 om Danmarks ratifikation af De Forenede Nationers Plenarsamling den 9. december 1948 vedtagne konvention om forebyggelse af og straf for folkedrab.

    Definitorisk har begrebet 'folkemord' dog siden været diskuteret.

    I nedenstående oversigt følger en selektiv liste over bøger, artikler og links, der som navnet antyder ikke er komplet. Formålet med listen er derimod, at vise "indgangsdøren" til mere viden om og udforskning af folkemord.


    Andreopoulos, George J. (ed.) 1994, Genocide: Conceptual and Historical Dimensions, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

    Bauer, Yehuda 1984, "The Place of the Holocaust in Contemporary History", in J. Frankel (ed.) Studies in Contemporary Jewry, vol. I, Bloomington: Indian University Press.

    Bauman, Zygmunt 1989. Modernity and the Holocaust. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.

    Chalk, Frank & Kurt Jonassohn 1990, The History and Sociology of Genocide. Analyses and Case Studies, New Haven: Yale University Press.

    Charny, Israel W. (ed.) 1999. Encyclopedia of Genocide vol. I-II, Oxford: ABC-CLIO.

    Charny, Israel W. (ed.) 1988: Genocide. A Critical Bibliographic Review, London: Transaction Publishers.

    Churchill, Ward 1997: A Little Matter of Genocide. Holocaust and the Denial in the americas 1492 to the Present, San Franscisco.

    Churchill, Ward 1986, "Genocide: Towords a Finctional Definition", Alternatives no. XI.

    Dobkowski, Michael & Isodor Wallimann 1998. The Coming Age of Scarcity - Preventing Mass Death and Genocide in the Twenty-first Century.

    Drost, Pieter N.1959, Genocide, Leyden: A.W. Sythoff.

    Fein, Helen 1993: Genocide. A Sociological Perspective.

    Fein, Helen 1984: "Scenarios of Genocide: Models of Genocide and Critical Responses", in I. W. Charny (ed.) 1984, Toward the Understanding and Prevention of Genocide: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide. Boulder/London: Westview Press.

    Harff, Barbara og Ted Gurr: "Genocide and Politicide Since 1945: Evidence and Anticipation", Internet on the Holocaust and Genocide 13, 1987.

    Harff, Barbara 1987, "The Etiology of Genocides", in Isidor Wallimann & Michael N. Dobkowski (eds.) 1987.

    Horowitz, Irving L. 1976, Genocide. State Power and Mass Murder. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.

    Horowitz, Irving L. 1997, Taking Lives: Genocide and State Power. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.

    Kuper, Leo 1981, Genocide: Its Political Use in the Twentieth Century, London: Yale University Press.

    Kuper, Leo 1994, "Theoretical Issues Relating to Genocide: Uses and Abuses", in Andreopoulos, George J. (ed.).

    Lemkin, Raphael 1944, Aixs Rule in Occupied Europe, Washington D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

    Lifton, Robert Jay & Eric Markusen 1990, The Genocidal Mentality, New York.

    Markusen, Eric & David Kopf 1995, The Holocaust and Strategic Bombing. Genocide and Total War in the Twentieth Century. Boulder: Westview Press.

    Melson, Robert 1986 "Provocation or Nationalism: A Critical Inquiry into the Armenian Genocide of 1915", in R. Hovannisian (ed.). A cogent Rejection of Alternate Interpretations of the Massacre of the Armenians.

    Rummel, RJ. 1994, Death by Government. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.

    Staub, Ervin 1989, The Roots of Evil. The Origins of Genocide and Other Group Violence, Cambridge University Press.

    Wallimann, Isodor & Michael Dobkowski (eds.) 1987, Genocide and The Modern Age, New York.


    On-line artikler

    Folkemord. Den jyske Historiker Nr. 90, 2000 (Udvalgte artikler):

    Anders Bjørn Hansen: Folkemordsforskningen gennem 50 år - en definitorisk tilgang.

    Eric Markusen: Hvad er folkemord? - en søgen efter svar.

    Uffe Østergård: Holocaust, folkedrab, folkemord og europæiske værdier.

    Henrik Lundtofte: "Ich glaube, dass die Nation als solche vernichtet werden muss..." - radikaliseringen af den tyske nedkæmpelse af hereroopstanden 1904.


    Harff, Barbara & Ted Gurr: "Toward Empirical Theory of Genocide & Politicides: Identification & Measurement of Cases since 1945", International Studies Quarterly, No 32, 1988.

    Huttenbach, Henry R., "Introduction", Journal of Genocide Research vol. 1, 1999.

    Huttenbach, Henry R., "Locating the Holocaust on the Genocide Spectrum: Towards a Methodology of Definition and Categorization", Holocaust and Genocide Studies, vol. 3, no. 3, 1988.

    Jacobs, Steven L. 1999, "The Papers of Raphael Lemkin: a first look" in Journal of Genocide Research, vol. I nr.1.

    Levene, Mark 1998, "Creating a Modern ‘Zone of Genocide’: The Impact of Nation and State Formation on Eastern Anatolia, 1878-1923", Holocaust and Genocide Studies, vol. 12 no. 3, 1998.

    Levene, Mark 1994, "Is the Holocaust Simply Another Example of Genocide?", Patterns of Prejudice, vol. 28, no. 2.


    Dansk Center for Holocaust- og Folkedrabsstudier

    Linksoversigt - DCHF

    On-line artikler fra "Folkemord", Den Jyske Historiker, nr. 90, 2000


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