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Holocaust i national og kollektiv identitet

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  • Af: Julie Lindholm, stud. mag., DCHF

    ”Struggles over national identity occur as a battle over which symbols and memories of the national past should constitute collective identity.”
    Daniel Levy ”The Future of the Past”

    ”...the essence of a nation is that all individuals have many things in common, and also that they have forgotten many things.”
    Ernst Renan ”What is a Nation?”

    Følgende er en oversigt over bøger og artikler, der alle er undersøgelser af Holocausts placering i nationale erindringer – det vil sige analyser af hvordan fortrinsvis politiske ledere har fortolket og erindret Holocaust efter Anden Verdenskrig. En del af bøgerne og artiklerne er generelle fremstillinger mens andre omhandler et enkelt land (kun Israel, Tyskland og USA er her medtaget). Alle bøger og artikler fokuserer på, hvordan politiske lederes nationale og udenrigspolitiske interesser og ideologier har været med til at forme den politiske erindring, og dermed fortolkningen og formidlingen af Holocaust i de sidste 50 år.


    ARAD, GULIE NE’EMAN (ed.): Passing into History: Nazism and the Holocaust beyound Memory. In honor of Saul Friedländer on his sixty-fifth birthday. History og Memory, vol. 9, Numbers 1/2, Fall 1997. Indiana University Press 1997.

    ASCHHEIM, STEVEN: Culture and Catastrophe. German and Jewish Confrontations with National Socialism and Other Crisis. New York 1996.

    BALDWIN, PETER: Reworking the Past: Hitler, Holocaust and the Historians’ Debate. Boston 1990.

    BARTOW, OMER: Murder in Our Midst. The Holocaust, Industrial Killing and Representation. Oxford 1996.

    BAUER, YEHUDA & NATHAN ROTENSTREICH (ed.): The Holocaust as Historical Experience. Holmes & Meier Publishers. New York 1981.

    BAUER, YEHUDA: A History of the Holocaust. Franklin Watts. New York 1982.

    BAUER, YEHUDA: Rethinking the Holocaust. Yale 2001.

    CARLEBACH, EFRON & MEYERS (ed.): Jewish History and Jewish Memory. Essays in Honor of Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi. Hanover & London 1998.

    COLE, TIM: Selling the Holocaust – From Auschwitz to Schindler. Routledge. New York 1999.

    DAWIDOWICZ, LUCY: The Holocaust and the Historians. Harvard University Press 1981.

    FINKELSTEIN, NORMAN: The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering. New York 2000.

    FINKELSTEIN, NORMAN & RUTH BETTINA BIRN: A Nation on Trial. The Goldhagen Thesis and Historical Truth. New York 1998.

    FRIEDLÄNDER, SAUL: Memory, History and the Extermination of the Jews of Europe. Indiana University Press. 1993.

    FULLBROOK, MARY: German National Identity after the Holocaust. Polity Presse. Great Britain 1999.

    GILLIS, JOUH R. (ed.): Commemorations. The Politics of National Identity. Princetton 1994.

    GOLDHAGEN, D. J.: Hitler’s Willing Exectioners. Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. New Yoek 1996.

    GUTMAN, YISRAEL 8ed.): Major Changes Within the Jewish People in the Wake of the Holocaust. Proceedings of the Ninth Yad Vashem International Historical Conference. 1993.

    GUTMAN, YISRAEL & GIDEON GREIF (ed.): The Historiography of the Holocaust Period. Proceedings of the Fifth Yad Vashem International Historical Conference, Jerusalem 1983. Yad Vashem, Jerusalem 1988.

    HALBWACHS, MAURICE: On Collective Memory. Chocago 1992.

    HARTMANN; GEOFFREY: The Longest Shadow. In the Aftermath of the Holocaust. Bloomington & Indianapolis 1994.

    HAYES, PETER (ed.): Lessons and Legacies: The Meaning of the Holocaust in a Changing World. Northwestern University Press 1991.

    HERF, JEFFREY: Divided Memory. The Nazi past in the two Germanys. Harvard University Press. Great Britain 1997.

    HIRSCH, HERBERT: Genocide and the Politics of Memory. Studying Death to Preserve Life. London 1995.

    KERSHAW, IAN: The Nazi Dictatorship – Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation. Oxford University Press. New York 2000 (1985).

    KNOWLTON, JAMES & CATES TRUETT (transl.): Forever in the Shadow of Hitler? Original Documents of the Historikerstreit, the Controversy Concerning the Singularity of the Holocaust. New Jersey 1993.

    LACAPRA, DOMINICK: Representing the Holocaust: History, Theory, Trauma. Cornell University Press 1994.

    LIEBMAN, CHARLES & ELIEZER DON-YEHIYA: Civil Religion in Israel. University of California Press. Berkeley 1983.

    LIPSTADT, D.: Denying the Holocaust. The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory. New York 1993.

    LOW, ALFRED D: The Third Reich and the Holocaust in German Historiography - Toward the Historikerstreit of the mid-1980s, New York 1994

    MAIER, CHARLES: The Unmasterable Past. History, Holocaust and German National Identity. Harvard University Press, 1992.

    MARRUS, MICHAEL: The Holocaust in History. Meridan 1987.

    NOVICK, PETER: The Holocaust in American Life. Boston 1999.

    NOVICK, PETER: The Holocaust and Collective Memory. London 2001.

    REINHARD, ERNST (Hrsg.): “Historikerstreit”: Die Dokumentation der Kontroverse um die Einzigartigkeit der nationalsozialistischen Judenvernichtung. Piper. München 1987

    ROSKIES, DAVID G.: Against the Apocalypse: Responses to Catastrophe in Modern Jewish Culture. 1984.

    SEGEV, TOM: The Seventh Million – The Israelis and the Holocaust. Hill and Wang. New York 1993.

    STRATTON, JON: Coming Out. Jewish Constructing Ambivalent Identities. London & New Yok 2000.

    VIDAL-NAQUET, PIERRE: The Jews – History, Memory, and the Present. Columbia University Press. New York 1996.

    WISTRICH, ROBERT & DAVID OHANA (ed.): The Shaping of Israeli Identity. Myth, Memory and Trauma. London 1995.

    YERUSHALMI, YOSEF HAYIM: Zakhor – Jewish History and Jewish Memory. University of Washington Press 1999 (1982).

    YOUNG, JAMES E.: Writing and Rewriting The Holocaust. Bloomington 1990

    YOUNG, JAMES E.: The Texture of Memory – Holocaust Memorials and Meaning. Yale University Press. 1993.

    ZERUBAVEL, YAEL: Recovered Roots. Collective Memory and the Making of Israeli National Tradition. Chicago 1995.


    ACKERMAN, WALTER: Making Jews: An Enduring Challenge in Israeli Education, IN: Israel Studies. Vol. 2, Number 2, Fall 1997, s. 1-21.

    BAR-ON, DAN: Israeli Society between the Culture of the Death and the Culture of Life, IN: Israel Studies. Vol. 2, Number 2, Fall 1997, s. 88-112.

    BEN-AMOS, AVNER & ILANA BET-EL: Holocaust Day and Memorial Day in Israeli Schools: Ceremonies, Education and History, IN: Israel Studies, Vol. 4, Number 1, Spring 1999, s. 258-284.

    BERG, NICHOLAS: “Der Holocaust in der Geschichtswissenschaft. Kontroversen und Fragestellung seit dem “Historikerstreit”, IN Frei, Norbert & Sybille Steinbacher (Hg.): Beschweigen und Bekennen: Die deutsche Nachkriegsgesellschaft und der Holocaust. Dachauer Symposium zur Zeitgeschichte. Göttingen 2001

    BRUNNER, JOSÉ: Pride and Memory. Nationalism, Narcissism and the Historians’ Debates in germany and Israel, IN: History and Memory. Studies in representation of the Past.

    DINER, DAN: Historical Experience and Cognition: Perspectives on National Socialism, IN: History and Memory. Studies in Representation of the Past. Vol. 2, No. 1, Fall 1990.

    ELAZAR, DANIEL J.: Education in a Society at a Crossroads: An Historical Perspective on Israeli School, IN: Israel Studies. Vol. 2, Number 2, Fall 1997, s. 40-65.

    FRIEDLÄNDER, SAUL: Die Shoah als Element in der Konstruktion israelischer Erinnerung, IN: Babylon 2, 1987, s. 10-22.

    HERF, JEFFREY: The ”Holocaust” Reception in West Germany: Right, Center, and Left, IN: ANSON RABINBACH (ed.): Germans and Jews since the Holocaust. The Changing Situation in WEST Germany. New York 1980.

    HERMAN, SIMON (m.fl.): Reactions to the Eichmann Trial in Israel: A Study in High Involvement, IN: Scripta Hierosolymitana, vol. XIV. The Hebrew University. Jerusalem 1965.

    HILBERG, RAUL: "Das Goldhagen-Phänomen" IN Heil, Johannes & Erb, Rainer (Hg.): Geschichtswissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit. Der Streit um Daniel J. Goldhagen. Frankfurt a. M. 1998

    HILBERG, RAUL: "Sources and Their Uses" IN Berenbaum, Michael and Peck, Abraham J. (eds.): The Holocaust and History - The Known, The Unknown, The Disputed and The Reexamined, Bloomington 1998

    HILBERG, RAUL & EVA SCHWEIZER: “Rücksicht auf die Verbündeten” IN Steinberger, Petra (Hg.): Die Finkelstein-Debatte. München 2001

    HILBERG, RAUL: Developments in the Historiography of the Holocaust, IN: Asher Cohen m.fl. (ed.): Comprehending the Holocaust – Historical and Literary Research. Verlag Peter Lang. Frankfurt am Main, 1988, s. 21-44.

    LANGER, LAWRENCE L.: “Recent Studies on Memory and Representation: Words and Witness: Narrative and Aesthetic Strategies in the Representation of the Holocaust, Lea Wernick Fridman; Traumatic Realism: The Demands of Holocaust Representation, Michael Rothberg; Holocaust Representation: Art within the Limits of History and Ethics, Berel Lang; Spectacular Suffering: Theatre, Fascism, and the Holocaust, Vivian M. Patraka; The Claims of Memory: Representations of the Holocaust in Contemporary German and France, Caroline Wiedmer; At Memory’s Edge: After-Images of the Holocaust in Contemporary Art and Architecture, James E. Young”, IN Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1. Oxford 2002.

    LEVY, DANIEL: The Future of the Past. Historiographical Disputes and Competing Memories in Germany and Israel, IN: Historu and Theory, Vol. 38, Number 1, February 1999.

    ROSENFELD, GAVRIEL D.: The Politics of Uniqueness. Reflections on the Recent Polemical Turn in Holocaust and Genocide Scholarship, IN: Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Nr. 1, Spring 1999.

    STEINBACH, PETER: “Die Historikerstreit” IN Lichtenstein, Heiner & Romberg, Otto R. (Hrsg.): Täter - Opfer - Folgen. Der Holocaust in geschichte und Gegenwart. Bonn 1997.

    STEINWEIS, ALAN: The Holocaust and American Culture. An Assessment of Recent Scholarship, IN: Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol. 15, Number 2, Fall 2001, s. 296-311.

    WEINGROD, ALEX: How Israeli Culture was Constructed: Memory, History and the Israeli Past, IN: Israel Studies. Vol. 2, Number 1, Spring 1997, s. 228- 238.

    WEITZ, YECHIAM: The Holocaust on Trial: The Impact on the Katsner and Eichmann Trials on Israeli Society, IN: Israel Studies. Vol. 1, Number 2, Fall 1996, s. 1-26.

    ZUCKERMANN, MOSCHE: The Curse of Forgetting: Israel and the Holocaust, IN: Telos, Number 78, Winther 1988-89.



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